Sunday, May 31, 2009

It's time!

Adobe already released Flash Builder 4.0 beta.
I've just installed it and tried first project. I see that swfobject library is using in the index.template.html file. Design mode is slightly different from Flex builder, but Properties panel and Constrains are in same style. I found one interesting panel - Appearance, on this panel now we can change global application style and whole application theme, I found here 8 predefined adobe themes. The full list of new features you could find in Matt Chotin's post.
Than, I have tried to import simple flex project into Flash Builder and it works fine. So, seems to me, it is time to move all my projects to Flash builder. I hope there won't be any serious problems.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

everything Live!

I just want to share with you my thougts about future internet or Web 3.0.
I realised that Web 3.0 will bring to us Live comunications, Live collaborations, Live contents, everything Live. There won't be "typing" any more in our messengers, we won't need to refresh browser to get new comments, new posts or new photos.
I see that some services are already using this feature. For example, service is using for Live collaboration in drops or Leprosirium community has Live version where user can monitor new comments or posts.

One hour of today evening I spent watching Google Wave presentation. Just watch it, the demo is really cool.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Merapi is open.

Adam Flater has announced that Merapi is open. I immediately downloaded asdoc documentation for flex library to check systemExecute method which was seen in alpha version, but I didn't find it. Then, I have tried merapi library in flex... unfortunately this method disappeared.
I hope guys from Merapi project will reply on my question what happened to this method.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sherlock Holmes.

It's really cool :) Cannot wait for Christmas!

Caching Tutorial

While checking my rss, I found quite interesting resource - all about web cache, how to use it, how to avoid caching. Caching tutorial.
In my work to avoid caching swf files or external resources, such as xml files or images, I am using following practice - to append random value to the url.

url="{ 'externalResource.xml?' + new Date.milliseconds }"

Nothing new, it is common practice and it is works perfectly.

I use SWFObject to embed swf file in html page and same solution to prevent swf from caching:

var randomNumber=Math.floor(Math.random()*10000);
swfobject.embedSWF("index.swf?"+randomNumber, "alternativeContent", "100%", "100%", "9.0.115", "expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params, attributes);

And there is Adobe's TechNote How to prevent caching of swf files.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Nullwave radio

Currently, I am working with guys from and I am doing front end part of the internet radio player.

I cannot reveal link to this player, because we are still testing it. We already did a lot, I've got a lot of experience working with sounds, streaming sounds and sockets (xmlsockets), especially with socket policy.
I hope , we will release it for public very soon.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Security sandbox violation or magic BIN directory

Why flex builder allows make remote data call from bin directory? What does mean "Security sandbox violation" error? How to configure FlashPlayerTrust file? All answers and lot more related to local sandboxes can be found on AdobeTutorialz.

Monday, May 4, 2009

AIRTranslate on Softpedia

Yesterday I have received email from Softpedia:


AIRTranslate, one of your products, has been added to Softpedia's database
of software programs for Mac OS. It is featured with a description text,
screenshots, download links and technical details on this page:
AIRTranslate" has been tested in the Softpedia labs using several
industry-leading security solutions and found to be completely clean of
adware/spyware components. We are impressed with the quality of your
product and encourage you to keep these high standards in the future.

To assure our visitors that AIRTranslate is clean, we have granted it with
the "100% FREE" Softpedia award. To let your users know about this
certification, you may display this award on your website, on software
boxes or inside your product."

Cool :) I need new ideas for new applications.